How do I join my class with an ‘access code’?

How do I join my class with an ‘access code’?

METHOD 1: Your faculty has sent you invite email from CodeZinger to JOIN class

You need to have these pieces of information with you:
  1. valid “Access Code”
Follow the instructions below:
  1. Login to your CodeZinger Student account
  2. Click on ‘Class’ tab
  3. You should see your Class 'tile'
  4. Click JOIN button on Class 'tile'
  5. Enter “ACCESS CODE” and click "JOIN"
You should now be enrolled in Class!

METHOD 2: Your faculty has NOT sent you invite email to JOIN class 
You need to have these pieces of information with you:
  1. “Class Key” provided by your Faculty (if you don’t have it, request it from your Faculty)
  2. valid “Access Code”
Once you have these two pieces of information, follow the instructions below:
  1. Login to your CodeZinger Student account
  2. Click on ‘Class’ tab
  3. Click “JOIN” button
  4. You will be asked to enter “Class Key” - enter “Class Key” (that you received from your Faculty) and click “GET DETAILS”. Verify the Class information displayed is correct!
  5. Click on “USE ACCESS CODE
  6. Enter “access code” and click “JOIN
You should now be enrolled in Class!